Friday, March 4, 2011

Classmate Update

Lori Nave Hartley
Dear Fellow Classmates of MW '68,

You know how we typically will encourage our classmates to send condolences to those that have lost loved ones in our class. Well, this one is slightly different. Since a lot of our classmates know Ron and Lori (Nave) Hartley, I thought I'd pass this along.

Lori (Nave) Hartley is battling lung and liver cancer. She has had two treatments so far and has lost her hair. Both she and Ron have requested that you lift up their situation in prayer.

Lori went to the doctor and got the results of her CT Scan. Several of the spots in her lungs are gone and the others are smaller. The tumor and the spots have shrunk in size. The doctor is pleased with her response to the chemo and continues to feel that surgery is a good option after the chemo if her lungs clear completely.

You can follow the her progress on

Questions and or concerns are welcome,
Keep in touch,


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